First day of lecture for CS 222, Algorithms at the End of the Wire. They stuck me in a classroom that holds 20 comfortably, and 25 or so can be done. I'm pretty sure well over 50 showed up. We're still going through increases in the CS student population, and there's a shortage of CS classes this fall due to various leaves and such, so I'm expecting a larger class than usual. When I first taught the course in 1999 it had something like 45 people; it may be bigger this time.
Salil Vadhan had it better/worse (depending on how you look at these things). He's teaching the intro theory class (complexity classes, Turing machines, etc.), and the room was well over-full. Last year's class size was about 70; I imagine he'll end up with between 100 and 150 this year, and the upper end of that range wouldn't surprise me.
It's exciting to see CS growing like this again. I like seeing the large classes, all the student interest. The more the merrier. I'm eagerly awaiting the final enrollment numbers for CS this year. Still, the nagging worry in the back of my head: anyone know when the next CS bust is going to take place?
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